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How the West Was Won

VIBEBX010 アソシエイト
How the West Was Won

FORMAT: 4 EP BOX SET (CD/1,000 copies limited)
RELEASE DATE: October 27th, 2008 (U.K.),
LABEL : Vibrant


Disc 1 : The Thing I Like Best About Him Is His Girlfriend EP

1. The Thing I Like Best About Him Is His Girlfriend [Jet Age Remix]
2. The Thing I Like Best About Him Is His Girlfriend [Gr's Man-Made Island Edition]
3. The Thing I Like Best About Him Is His Girlfriend [Acoustic Version]
4. The Thing I Like Best About Him Is His Girlfriend [Santa Monica And La Brea Version]

Disc 2 : Don't Take Me Home Until I'm Drunk EP

1. Don't Take Me Home Until I'm Drunk
2. Don't Take Me Home Until I'm Drunk [Team Wah Wah Remix]
3. Don't Take Me Home Until I'm Drunk [Acoustic Version]
4. Pinch, Twist, Pull, Release

Disc 3 : Santa Ana Winds EP

1. Santa Ana Winds [Edit]
2. Hulk Loves Betty
3. Drink You, Eat You
4. Twenty Jackies

Disc 4 : Holly Jolly Hollywood EP

1. Holly Jolly Hollywood [Featuring Simone White]
2. Holly Jolly Hollywood [Acoustic Version]
3. White Christmas
4. Back For Good

David Gedge : Singing, Guitar and Percusion
Christopher McConville: Guitar
Terry de Castro : Bass and Vocals
Graeme Ramsay : Drums and Percussion

 『El Rey』からのデジタル・シングル『The Thing...』、iTunes限定のボーナス・トラックだったTake Thatのカヴァー"Back for Good"の公式CD化、同作セッションの未発表曲を中心に組まれた新生TWP2作目のコンピレーション。4枚組のEP BOX、1,000セット限定生産という特殊なフォーマットでリリースされた。内容詳細については以前の特集ページを参考いただきたい
『How the West Was Won』特集/解説 (当サイト2008/12/10初出)
<<--- previous release "El Rey"next release "Holly Jolly Hollywood"--->>
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